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来源:ACCESS LASER COMPANY    发布时间:2022/11/16 9:30:52    点击量:
    2022103日,AccessLaser的一个时代随着创始人兼总裁张永方博士的退休结束了。 张永方博士领导AccessLaser已经超过23年,他将公司打造成了CO激光技术的创新者,并且超越了用简单的“以瓦论价”的工业市场常用方式。




  在张永方博士的退休庆典上,许多发言者都指出他的成就不言而喻。 他在《LaserFocusWorld》的采访中分享了自己是如何进入激光领域的过程、创立AccessLaser的过程、以及CO激光在未来的应用等。 他最显著的成就的是在AccessLaser公司,他在一个车库里创建了这家公司,并发展成为一家拥有近100名员工和数千万美元收入的公司。


   然而,张永方博士的成就,不能用“成功的商人”就能完全描绘。 在张永方博士的退休仪式上,发言者强调了他远见卓识的个性,以及他对激情、信任和努力工作的重视,这些都促使他的员工茁壮成长。 这也体现在他的企业理念中,赚钱不是唯一的动力,解决别人不能解决的技术问题也是其动力之一。



  AccessLaser的方法是与客户一起成长,并帮助他们开发新的、有远见的应用。在不太不为人所知,但同样成功的CO激光应用领域中,有最新的EUV光刻技术、 在呼出气体中检测癌症标记物、衍射光学元件的自由曲面玻璃加工等。

  接下来做什么 ?

  张永方博士计划花更多的时间与家人、朋友和社区在一起,他将分配时间享受在MillCreekYakima的家所在的社区。 新的约会和责任在教堂等着他,还有他即将到来的第二个孙子。 虽然他即将退休,但他计划继续探索生活中的大问题。




       October 3, 2022 marked the end of an era for Access Laser with the retirement of its founder and president Dr. Yong Zhang. Yong led Access Laser for more than 23 years, shaping the company into an innovator in CO₂ laser technology that goes beyond a simple dollar-per-watt power source.

      Yong’s remarkable career and accomplishments were celebrated in a retirement ceremony with colleagues and friends in Everett, Washington.      

       Reward people who work hard before rewarding yourself

      Many speakers at Yong’s retirement celebration noted that his achievements speak for themselves.  In a highly recommended interview in Laser Focus World, he shared insights on how he entered the world of lasers, the founding of Access Laser, and the future of CO₂ laser applications. His most prominent success is with Access Laser, which he founded in a garage workshop and grew into a company with nearly 100 employees and tens of millions in revenue.However, Yong’s success as a businessman hardly paints the whole picture. Speakers at his retirement ceremony emphasized his far-sighted personality, and the value he placed on passion, trust, and hard work, which allowed his employees to thrive. This is also reflected in his corporate philosophy, in which making money is not the only motivation, but also solving technical problems that no one else can.

       From application-specific innovation to production

       Access Laser’s approach has been to grow with its customers and help them develop new, visionary applications. Among the lesser-known but no less successful applications of the CO₂ laser are the generation of EUV light for the latest lithography technology, the detection of cancer biomarkers in exhaled air, and free-form glass processing of diffractive optical elements.

      What’s next?

      Yong plans to spend more time with his family, friends, and community which he will be able to enjoy by splitting his time between his homes in Mill Creek and Yakima. New engagements and responsibilities await Yong at his church and with a second grandchild that is on the way. Although he is retiring, Yong plans to continue to explore life’s big questions.

      We are grateful to Yong for all his contributions to Access Laser and wish him continued success in the next stage of his life.
